Tattered Realms Wiki

Zoph Safeed was a Karthacki Zoph of Voscan birth, best known for his role in the formation of The Hurtsickle Society.

He also had an enormous reputation for defying the known laws of magic casually. It is said that he could use any object as a Focus for sorcery, and that none would ever break. His favorite was the copper coin that he used to pay his passage to Karthack, and won back in a dice game afterwards. Copper is of course a terrible metal for focuses, but he once dragged an island from the sky using it, and it did not so much as bend.

He was said to have learned Thaumaturgy, and spoken with great spirits, including Genosus himself, to ask questions about the role of sex in pyromancy. It is said that in his later days, he had to wear a broad hat covered in silver leaf to reflect the sun's rays from him, or else he would have been incinerated by any touch of sunlight

Eventually he died, at the age of a hundred and sixteen. His final words were, according to his successor, Zoph Iraw and witnesses, "dissolve the Hurtsickle society immediately, do not let it decay without me you northern monkey."

Iraw, of course, did not do as his master asked. The Hurtsickle Society of today has no sorcerer on par with Zoph Sefeed (unless you count Zoph Escher, which Zoph Escher certainly does) but it is still a very effective organization, thanks to the rigors of its work as an intelligence service. The society mostly deals in practical magic these days, but there are still elements of experimentation there, and the basics of mystical theory are very well taught.
